Monday, February 28, 2011

Julie Heffernan

Broken Home, Julie Heffernan

Enchantment, Julie Heffernan

What do you think of these paintings? Heffernan is painting NOW, yet somehow her paintings seem like from a different time and place... A "place" that reminds me of the magic of Graywolf, or just the possibilities of the imagination.


  1. This painting defineitly reminded me of Graywolf, because when i looked at it i thought of a faiytale. The colors in the painting are making my imagination wonder to like Peter Pan's never never land.

  2. This Painting defineitly reminded me of the story Graywolf, because it makes me feel like i'm entering a faiytale land when stare at it. I also feel it's the different ligt colors that give it that soft faiytale outlook.

  3. It's amazing painting! Incredible imagination.Beautiful "story" with many details. Soft colors... true Swayzeen it is a fairytale.

  4. It's a tarrific work of art! There are so much magical,inexplicable and captivating! It seems I could peer into it for hours...
