Friday, March 18, 2011

The Surreal

Rene Magritte, The Lovers.

In high school I saw this painting and was inspired to write a poem. What do you think of the painting?

Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Surrealism: the principles, ideals, or practice of producing fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in art, literature, film, or theater by means of unnatural or irrational juxtapositions and combinations

Below is The Empire of Lights also by the French Surrealist, Rene Magritte. Do you notice anything irrational or unnatural? Click on the painting for a full view.

Below is the surrealist painting, Persistence of Time by Salvador Dali. Have you seen this painting before? Click on it for the full painting. It looks like a scene Gregor Samsa might wake up to, if he hadn't already turned into a bug!

The work of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican artist, has often been described as surreal or dream-like. Here is her painting What the Water Gave Me. You decide.

Also by Kahlo, The Two Fridas. Click on image for full painting.


  1. wow this is creepy. it seems as if she has sewn their hearts are sewn together. It seems as if this picture is depicting two parts of 1 whole person or two different personalities of 1 person

  2. i also love the empire of lights, it took me a while to notice the difference between night and day showing. It seems as if it is a normal day but the life of the family possibly in the house is more dark and depressing.

  3. it reminds me of a story when twins were separated from the moment they were born and had chance to meet each other many years later. And even though one of them was raised in a wealthy family while the other one in the poor one, they still have a strong, invisible connections with each other, the one which only soul mates can have.

  4. The surrealism art seems to be very bizzare. What I believe alot of these photos represent is opposites in one setting, which is to confuse the person viewing. Or perhaps get them to see different perspectives of something, challenging the viewers psyche. For instance, The Empire of Lights is a perfect example of this. It shows a house with a daytime sky, yet the bottom half somewhat of a night view. Also, the Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo. I think in that photo Frida is trying to show the two parts of herself, the lady and elegant half and yet the peasant half, as well. Yet, with the connecting hearts, I thin kthere she is telling us that she is still the same person on the inside. Surrealism art is really a brain teaser.
